Trout can live for about seven years. Most trout are born, grow up, lay eggs and die in lakes or streams. Some trout, through, travel more in their seven years than some people do in a lifetime, In fact, they may migrate from their lake or stream to the ocean and back three or four times!
Over their lives, trout grow and change a lot. When they grow up, they lay eggs that will hatch into new young trout. This process of growing, changing and then making new trout is called a life cycle. The pictures here show the stages of a trout’s life. How would it feel to go through all the stages of a trout’s life? You can’t know exactly but you could ty to act it out!
Act it out! #
Start by squeezing yourself into a small ball – just like an egg! What’s next? How would you hatch? And have a yolk sac? And then learn to eat and swim? And then…?