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Trout Care

7 articles

Fish Feeding

Last Updated: March 16, 2022

Curious about what to feed your trout?  Which brand of fish meal is best?  A recent study by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission ranks Bio-Oregon as the best food for trout fry. Feeding trout can be a difficult job when you’re first starting out.  It’s hard to know how much is too much, and how much is not

Maintenance Checklists for fish and tank care

Last Updated: May 18, 2022

Daily checklist: Monitor tank temperature: an increase in temperature might indicate a chiller problem or a change in the tank insulation. Feed trout: only as much food as they can eat in a couple of minutes (one pinch or less when they are smaller). You may feed more than once a day, however. There are also

Preparing Your Tank: Pre-Cycling

Last Updated: October 21, 2022

Pre-Cycling the Tank Prior to Egg Delivery Copied from Maryland’s Trout in the Classroom Manual, section by Chuck Dinkel and Robb Cramer. Pre-cycling is a process designed to put your tank through the nitrogen cycle before the arrival of your eggs. When this works, it establishes a colony of good bacteria in your filter that

Troubleshooting FAQs

Last Updated: September 16, 2022

Troubleshooting FAQs (from old site) A wonderful resource has been published in the PA TIC program.  Read their Aquarium Resource Guide, put together by their agency scientists and TIC coordinators. Join the TIC/SIC National Google Group!This group is a great forum for questions, discussions, and announcements about everything Trout or Salmon in the Classroom! Simply apply

Trout and Salmon Transport

Last Updated: February 22, 2022

Trout Transportation Below are tips and instructions on how to move your fingerling trout safely from your classroom aquarium to your state-permitted release site. Materials Sturdy cooler or bucket with a loose-fitting lid.Ice made with dechlorinated water — or — ice in a Ziploc bag or 2-liter bottle.Battery-powered airstone Adapting a Cooler For the Transport

Trout Care FAQs

Last Updated: December 2, 2021

Vacation Plans

Last Updated: September 16, 2022

What to do during breaks and vacations Prepping for short vacations (3- or 4-day weekends)—Feed less on Friday.Do your water change as normal.They will be fine.Prepping for mid-length vacations (7-10 days)—Trout are wild animals that can survive leaner times.Trout do not need to be fed or visited during a 10-day vacation.One week beforehand, you can replace your