- Designed for the NYC and NYC Watersheds Trout in the Classroom program
- Made possible with funds from the Catskill Watershed Corporation in partnership with New York City Department of Environmental Protection
- Conceived by Josh Platt, Woodstock Day School, Woodstock NY
Objective: #
To help students record and document the process of raising trout in the classroom.
Background: #
Trout are an important part of the NYC water supply system. As an indicator species, their populations help scientists determine the health of our watershed streams. Student raising trout in the classroom study and monitor trout while learning about their life-cycle, dependence on good water quality, and begin to understand the interdependence among stream and riparian habitats.
By keeping detailed data and journal entries about their experience of raising trout, students can document this process all while learning how to use video recording technology, equipment, and software to tell a story about their work.
Materials: #
- Video recorder/smart phone
- Video editing software
- Trout!
Procedure: #
A documentary can be made in many different formats. Having student record video journal entries daily or weekly is a good way to start the process.
Check out these examples from around the country:
Chilton Middle School TIC Documentary 2016
Woodstock Day School 6th Grade Documentary
Wrap-Up: #
Share the video with other students in the school, parents, and teachers to engage them in TIC. Be sure to share the video with your local Trout Unlimited chapters or other partners as well – they’ll want to see it, guaranteed!