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Visual and Language Arts
- “Salmon and Steelhead on a Stick” Puppet
- Bye-Bye Trout Song
- Cut It Out: A Trout’s Habitat
- How to start and maintain a blog
- Journaling – collection of prompts and ideas
- Journals and Blog: Year-long writing project
- Love Letters to the Trout
- Make a rainstorm! An auditory-sensory experience
- Mock Fly Tying – mimicry, morphology, art
- Observing Trout as a Scientist and Cartoonist
- Paper Bag Trout
- Photographing Macroinvertebrates
- Postcards from the Watershed
- River Animal Habitat Collage
- Shades of Green Nature Craft Project
- Tabletop Museum Book
- Teaching about Trout Powerpoint Project
- TIC Documentaries
- Trout Across America
- Trout Anatomy Collage
- Trout Are Made of Trees Crayon Mural
- Trout Comics – A Cartoonist’s Impressions
- Trout Cookies Baking Project
- Trout Food Chain
- Trout Journals
- Trout Markings, a student art lesson plan
- Wooden Trout Silhouettes